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more noise than ever before.
 After my french lesson today, Im go over to Durand Ruals house to see his collection
You were there last spring with Lee and [[strikethrough]] mys [[/strikethrough]] I, do you remember? He inquir for you occasionally. Have not been over to his studio since you left and I hardly ever meet him.
 I suppose you know that Teddy is in town and being treated like a king. The frenchmen like him very much. You know that it is owing to him so some extent that the trouble which France had with Germany over Moroco [[Morocco]] was settled satisfactoryly [[satisfactorily]]. I have not seen him as and probably wont unless I run across him accidentally on the street. I hope you dont have any trouble in reading my script as I have been a little nervous lately since my renewed acquaintance with rheumatism.
  The Sterlings send you their best. They may be leaving for Brittany next Sat. Sterling has not heard as yet whether her sculpture got into the salon. Nor have I heard the judgement of your relief. Am afraid that neither one has gotten in.
With love.