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on our walk yesterday I found a lot of flowers that I dont remember seeing before,am going to enclose some of the pink ones which look as tho they might be single petal wild carnations. There is a [[strikethrough]] wild [[/strikethrough]] pine tree that grows here in numbers that I like very much, the trunk is very redish becoming almost orange in some instances. It is quite different from those in the [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] grove at Woodstock. 

The chateau here has very fine grounds, I especially like the flower beds. One can have a lot of fun in feeding the carp, they are so thick that they push each other out of the water in their effort to get at the bread. 
We started two more deer yesterday, they were in amongst some thick fern that is more than four feet high, you would have enjoy seeing the two that we saw the day before, they ran across a clearing but seemed to be afraid to enter in to the woods, [[strikethrough]] because [[/strikethrough]] there were some mounted dragoons on the road not far from them of which they seem-ed timid.