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The evening of the [[strikethrough]] they [[/strikethrough]] day you left I was lonesome & altogether inconsolable so remembering that I was once again a free man I decided to make the most of such precious fleeting moments!! Just by the greatest chance in the wold [[world]] I found this wonnderful restaurant where I had all kinds white wine & where a very engaging female (she had at least 68 years hanging on her cheeks & ten or fifteen more [[strikethrough]] toucked [[/strikethrough]] toked [[tucked]] away under chin) pestered me with her conversation. I am sorry I have forgotten the name of this place - but I think it begins with Ch and ends with ilds - Afterwards I went to see the Champion & meet Loudon and his wife there - the play is a grand success but a [[rotter??]] - Wensday [[Wednesday]] i had lunch with Sid at the Waldorf - took him to the concert & I had supper with many others afterwards at the Schmidts - Thursday Bouché & I had lunch with the editor of Vanity Fair - he asked me to dinner - a stag party that night at the Coffe House a club something like the cliff dwells - I arranged for you to write for him from time to time - He wants one about my W. Write thing when