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Hotel Brevoort

Coin de la 5me Avenue et de la 8me Rue
New York, 

Well, we finally got in at tea Wensday morning - & it certainly was some trip. Nothing to be had at the Lafa. so took room at the Albert and went around afterward to the Brevoort & engaged room for today. Meet J. Blum - who is staying here - & he took me out to lunch. He is sick of N.Y. and when I told him all about Paris he caled up his wife & had her come right over & they decided on the spot to sell out every thing here & go right over! Ha! ha! no, he said - this really is a terrible place. It is vulgarity personified cheap - grabbing one building grabbing after another as they crowd & scramble up into the sky. Dirty, noisie, pretencious, cruel -- I have no fear of it this time. I feel that I know & live things so far superior, more beautiful, more worth while that they have very little to give me & that I