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-2- [[indent]]If I can keep up the interest- I remain- and I give it one more year of trial- I can say that the prospects are very bright--and the two years that I have been away-though two thirds of that time I was not strong enough to work--have made a wonderful change in my position in this country. [[indent]]From one man I have commissions for five portraits if I will come back here next year to paint them-for various reasons they can't be painted now--My illness when I first went over I have no doubt was the main cause why letters ceased between us--I was not able to write and-though I can't remember I think I probably left your last unanswered. I was in a miserable conidition-[[condition]] Had been overworked-and had a very severe attack of the Grippe which nearly did for me--Now however I am in excellent condition and am eager to get back to my Paris studio- [[indent]]Everything in New York is at such high pressure-When I tell you that my rents alone went over $3000 a year, and that I had to have four or five servants at an average of over $20. a month- and that I have in Paris a perfect studio and apartment in the best part of the city--so much better than the one in New York that they can't be compared--and that two servants at $10. each a month---the rent for studio and apartment less than $700. a year- you will understand that one has an easier mind and can do better work- Then there is the intimate companionship of the first artists of the world--which money cannot buy- Now I have told you about myself let me hear again from you.
Transcription Notes:
This is my first try. I am uncertain if the transcription should keep the words on the same lines as the letter through carriage return.