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(COPY) September 20, 1895 Dear John: I have delayed writing to you about pictures for Pittsburgh, because I had hoped to be able to send two pictures there, as you suggested in your letter of July 7th. This, however, is now impossible. I cannot finish the picture I have on the stocks in time, and the one I send will be "A May Day Morning. "Fiammetta's Song" I should have liked to send, but before I went to America I promised/ it to the Liverpool people for this year's exhibition at the Walker Art Gallery (it is the 25th anniversary of its birth). The Manchester Gallery has asked for it and two others, but I had rather send it to Pittsburgh, of course. If I sold it here the price would be 200 guineas, but I'd sell it to the Pittsburgh gallery for $8,000. This and The May Day are the only pictures I own. The price of The May Day is $4,000, but I'd sell it for $3500 to Pittsburgh. I hope you will have a successful show there. I ran over/ to the Salon for a day or two, not very interesting. Very good thing in the old Salon by Henri Martin. Your exhibit looked very well , one of them I thought your best yet, the upright girl outdoors. Mrs. Abbey joins me in kind regards to Mrs. Alexander and yourself. I shall ship the picture with [[long blank space between words]] on Wednesday to America. Ever yours, (Signed) Edwin A. Abbey