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in the night - the phone rang - + Eg flew downstairs to answer it - + our doors were all open. Fearing he had been called to Marion - but but the calls were from other patients - 

We certainly have been under a strain - and when the dear girl is safe from any danger of infliction we will be so thankful + can rest easily ourselves. 

I am pinned down to the care of sister - she is not quite well + is very restless + peckish - and I dare not let her out of my sight.

No letter from you since I arrived - + I have been here a week - yesterday she was doing remarkably well - her temperature only 100 - and of course there had to be gas pains -

Early this morning Eg went down - + brought back encouraging news - said her night was much easier - and he thought today would show a decided improvement -

I just had a phone call from Dr. Breed, saying that Marion was much better - she smiled over her own advance in comfort - and I think in a day or two she will be so at ease she can rest comfortably -

Dr. Breed will take me to her this afternoon again -
