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to you since I arrived in Europe, and I have only received acknowledgement of $400- (the $300 I first sent, and the $100- soon after from  Paris>
On the 17th of June I sent from Brussels, $400. to my account at the Fifth Ave bank. At the same time I wrote you about it, and in many letters since, advising you that this [[?]] I had added to my account for you to draw upon, but not one word regarding it have I had from you.
Lloyds bank of Brussels did get word from the 5th Ave. bank however, saying they the 5th Ave. bank did not

understand to whose credit the $400. was 
to be placed!! a stupid error as I had given explicit instruction, that, as I had not heard from you in the matter, and fearing you would be in difficulties, I cabled both you and the bank, so as to straighten things out.

It does seem as though you would have had time to receive my letters regarding this $400 - sent June 17 - by this date the 8th of Aug.- and I imagine nearly all if not all of your letters I have received. It is always safe however, to repeat