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workers, rather than pay these the same wage paid white workers.  An economic crisis of grave proportions is facing those states where practically all the colored workers are now unemployed.  In the midst of all this the communists are working fevorishly, both with unemployed colored workers & striking white and colored workers.  So you can well see that we do not know what we are facing.


I have written far too much.  I hope you can read it and that at least some of it will interest you - Ac to the family - your brothers and sisters - there is no change.  Aunt Belle still writes how poor she is - Aunt Bertha seldom writes.  Her some, Tanner Stafford, wrote that his father has rebuilt a row of houses destroyed in the hurricane a few years ago.  So they must be getting along o.k.  Uncle Carlie is in the same condition - does not talk and can not get out of bed.