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Federal Funds

Operating Funds

Of the $7,806,000 (21%) increase in the $44,701,000 FY 1972 appropriation for operating purposes, $1,255,000 was for higher legislated payroll costs (not including January 1972 increase) and $1,131,000 of the appropriation was subsequently nullified by Presidential economy moves, although it has now been restored to meet the January salary increases. The remaining $5,420,000 increase in funds is of major assistance in eliminating accumulated shortages in program support, particularly in the Zoo and other science areas, and also providing for longer visiting hours on the Mall, a major new environmental exhibit, an expanded program of aid and guidance to other museums in the nation, and a start toward Smithsonian share of a multi-mirror telescope. 

Our FY 1973 appropriation request for operating purposes has received very favorable treatment from the President who has approved a request to Congress for a further increase of $9,982,000 (22%), or a total of $54,683,000. If granted by Congress, this will mean further steps in the above cited programs and also allow for a major push for the National Air and Space Museum organizational development efforts, furnishings and preparation for opening of the Hirshhorn Museum in late 1973, the phased outfitting of Radiation Biological Laboratory's new building, expansion of the Bicentennial program, greatly needed improvements to museum conservation and documentation services, and initial support for the new National Museum of Design (Cooper-Hewitt). 

A $1,000,000 increase for the Special Foreign Currency Program was also approved for FY 1972 and a further $2,500,000 is requested for FY 1973. 

The $1,300,000 initial appropriation and the supplemental appropriation of $300,000 for FY 1972 funding of the Science Information Exchange is an item on the agenda to be discussed separately. For FY 1973 the Smithsonian is requesting an appropriation of $1,650,000. 

Construction Funds

The $6,347,000 of appropriations approved for construction for FY 1972 included $1,900,000 for redesign of the proposed new National Air and Space Museum and $3,697,000 for the final construction monies for the Hirshhorn Museum, plus money for Zoo repairs and the Renwick Gallery completion. 

For FY 1973 the Executive Branch has approved our going to Congress for $40,000,000 for construction of the Air and Space Museum (to be completed in 1976) plus $5,409,000 restoration and renovation of buildings (principally A&I building refurbishing but also including sixth floor library addition to the MHT building) and additional monies for planning of exhibits and repairs at the Zoo, and for planning Bicentennial Park.