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[[13 column table]]

|Page No.|Unit|1971 Actual Pos.|1971 Actual Amount|1972 Approp. Pos.|1972 Approp. Amount|Lapse 1972 (-)|Rest to Base (+)|1973 Estimate Pos.|1973 Estimate Amount|Analysis of Increases Nec Pay|Analysis of Increases Pos.|Analysis of Increases Amount|
|A-56|Special Programs|   |   |   |   | 
  |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|A-57|American Revolution Bicentennial|2|$  400|2|$  400|$   5|$  5|2|$ 1,000|$   0|0|$  600|
|A-64|Environmental Sciences Program |3|150|8|275|4|4|8|275|0|0|0|
|A-66|Major Exhibitions|0|0|0|525|0|0|0|775|0|0|250|
|A-67|National Museum Act |0|0|3|600|0|0|3|1,000|0|0|400|
|A-69|Academic & Educational Programs |18|596|22|680|6|3|24|750|8|2|65|
|A-72|Research Awards|0|400|0|425|0|0|0|475|0|0|50|
|   |Total Special Programs|23|$ 1,546|35|$ 2,905|$  15|$ 12|37|$ 4,275|$   8|2|$ 1,365|

|A-73|Documentation and Conservation|  
 |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |  
|A-75|Conservation Analytical Laboratory|11|162|13|$  192|$   5|$  3|16|$  293|$   5|3|$  98|
|A-77|Smithsonian Archives|6|59|6|73|3|2|8|119|8|2|39|
|A-79|Smithsonian Libraries |54|741|59|886|27|14|67|1,120|15|8|232|
|A-83|Photographic Services |20|255|23|292|10|5|27|465|16|4|162|
|   |Total Conservation & Documentation|121|$ 1,520|132|$ 1,784|$  54|$ 29|150|$ 2,356|$  48|18|$  549|

|A-85|Administrative & Central Support| 
  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | 
|A-86|Office of the Secretary|38|$  651|40|$  656|$  27|$ 11|47|$  797|$  12|7|$  145|
|A-88|General Counsel|9|151|9|166|7|4|10|182|3|1|16|
|A-92|Smithsonian Press |25|691|25|752|14|7|26|805|15|1|45|
|A-93|Information Systems Division |14|235|14|264|9|5|17|326|8|3|58|
|A-95|Ofc of Smithsonian and National Museum Programs |9|200|9|314|4|2|9|315|3|0|0|
|A-96|Office of Exhibits |165|2,412|159|2,516|77|41|159|2,526|46|0|0|
|A-97|Supply Division |21|330|21|369|10|5|21|390|6|0|20|
|A-98|Management Analysis Office |9|148|10|177|6|3|10|178|4|0|0|
|A-99|Duplicating Section |7|100|7|90|3|2|8|119|14|1|16|
|   |Total Admin & Central Support|372|$ 6,073|372|$ 6,626|$  195|$ 99|390|$ 7,071|$  131|18|$  410|

|A-101|Buildings Management Department|768|$ 9,371|793|$10,675|$  273|$144|877|$12,087|$  386|84|$1,155|

|   |Lapsing|   |9|   |-|   |   |   |-|-|   |-|

|   |Total |2,373|$36,895|2,570|$44,701|$1,131|$600|2,814|$52,964*|$1,082*|244|$7,712|
[[end 13 column table]]
*An additional $1,719,000 for pay, for a total of $54,683,000, was approved by the President subsequent to the initial budget submission to the Congress.
