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Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden
Federal Appropriations

[[3 column table]]

Date | Construction (including planning) | Salaries and Expenses (operation of the museum office in New York including furnishings and equipment for the new museum in Washington
March 26, 1967 |   | $ 10,000
June 24, 1967 | 803,000 | 62,000
July 26, 1968 | 14,197,000 1/ | 159,000
October 29, 1969 | 200,000 | 347,000
July 31, 1970 |  | 416,000
August 10, 1971 |   | 640,000
July 1, 1972 estimate |   | 2,048,000

   |   |(Buildings Management in Washington) 
   |   | 410,000

1/ The Appropriation Act (Public Law 90-425) for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1969, provided $2,000,000 for plans and construction, and provided further that the Administrator of the General Services Administration is authorized to enter into contracts in an amount not to exceed $14,197,000. The amount shown is the amount of contract authority. This is in addition to the amount of $2,000,000 appropriated to liquidate a portion of the contract authority.

[[2 column table]]

July 13, 1967| Architectural plans were approved by the Commission of Fine Arts.

December 8, 1967| The Act of December 8, 1967, appropriated construction funds for a building for the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology pursuant to an authorization of November 2, 1966, for an addition at Walter Reed Army Medical Center at a cost not to exceed $7,570,000.

December 22, 1967| Architectural plans were approved by the National Capital Planning Commission.