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National Air and Space Museum

The Secretary commented that the Commission of Fine Arts gave approval of the design concept in January 1972 and that we were presently awaiting approval of the final design incorporating final refinements.

A request for construction funds in the amount of $40,000,000 is now pending in our Fiscal Year 1973 appropriation request.  It was announced at the meeting of the Board of Regents that there was some opposition in the Congress to approval of the full amount of $40,000,000 in this bill.  However, it is expected that a sufficient amount will be approved to get the building underway. (NOTE:  It is essential that express contract authority be included in the appropriation act if a partial appropriation is made.  Otherwise, our inability to contract for the total building will result in substantial increases in cost and in time delays.)

The Secretary reported that a representative of the General Services Administration has already been assigned to the project.  This should be very helpful in supervising and expediting the construction of the building.  It is noted also that a tight construction time schedule will be necessary in order to construct the building by July 1976.

January 1972 Fine Arts Commission approved building concept, subject to further consideration of architectural refinements.

March 1972 *National Capital Planning Commission approved building concept.

May 4, 1972 National Capital Planning Commission preliminary site and building plan approved.

May 17, 1972 *Fine Arts Commission final approval. (NOTE: This was granted.  An important approval.)


*Indicates complete action.