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upon appropriation of funds for Bicentennial Outdoor Museum development, bring certain federal lands at Fort Foote and Jones Point Park under the administrative jurisdiction of the Smithsonian, as a site for Bicentennial Outdoor Museum.

     This pending legislation represents a part of the report to the Congress which the Board of Regents was directed to make with the advice and assistance of the National Armed Forces Museum Advisory Board, under the provisions of the Act of August 30, 1961.  The remainder of the report will be the Institution's testimony in Congressional hearings expected late in the summer. 
     Mr. Brown announced that a joint hearing scheduled on Mary 12, 1972, by Senator Pell's Subcommittee on Smithsonian Institution of the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, and Representative Nedzi's Subcommittee on Library and Memorials of the Committee on House Administration was requested to be postponed in order to permit us to investigate opposition voiced by community groups, the Prince George's County Planning Board, and the Prince George's County Executive to the use of Fort Foote as the Bicentennial Outdoor Museum.  Particular objection was voiced against using local streets for access to the existing park land.  An alternative access route is under study.