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Smithsonian Science Information Exchange Funding Situation

Mr. Ripley recalled that a summary of the fiscal year 1972 financial situation of the Smithsonian Science Information Exchange, Inc., was presented to the Board of Regents at the January 27, 1972 Meeting. At that time the President had transmitted to the Congress a request for a supplemental appropriation in the amount of $300,000.

We are pleased to report that the $300,000 was passed by the House of Representatives on April 26, 1972, and the Senate on May 1, 1972.

The $300,000 supplemental appropriation will be used as follows:

User Study $ 50,000

Scheduled back-pay salary 
adjustments 49,200

Resumption of normal input 
operations (5/15-6/30)197,500

Backlog reductions  3,300
