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a proposed bridge across Rock Creek linking the parking terraces to Klingle Road. This design would not only alleviate traffic congestion in the Zoo but, when completed, will restore more than 12 acres of valuable exhibit land, presently used for parking, to animal exhibit space and Park use.
Prior to final presentation of this scheme to the cognizant commissions, it must be coordinated with the National Park Service and the District of Columbia Department of Highways and Traffic. Review meetings must also be held with civic associations bordering the National Zoological Park.

The consultants on the traffic and parking study will also report on the feasibility of shuttle bus service between the Zoo and the two nearest Metro stations, Calvert Street (Zoo station) and Porter Street. An economic analysis of the projected parking facility has also been requested. 

Report on Pandas

On April 16, the two Giant Pandas (Hsing-Hsing, male, 74 lbs. and Ling-Ling, female, 136 lbs.) arrived at the Zoo in excellent physical condition. Both animals are approximately 18 months old, approximately half of their full development. On Thursday, April 20, the Giant Pandas were officially accepted by Mrs. Nixon as a gift from the Peoples Republic of China.
A program was developed for the remodeling of the Delicate Hoofed Stock Building No. 2 to display the Pandas; it has existing air conditioning, good potential yards and could accommodate the large crowds of visitors. The White Rhinoceroses occupying the north end of the building were shipped to San Diego, California, for breeding