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It is proposed that Dr. Whipple continue his research at the SAO as a Senior Scientist, to age 70 years.

Personnel Information

Mr. Ripley announced that Robert A. Brooks will succeed Under Secretary James Bradley with the title of The Assistant Secretary on July 1, 1972.

The Secretary announced that it was a matter of great pleasure that James Bradley will be retained on a contractual basis for work on various studies and projects in recognition of his comprehensive background and experience.

Regent John Nicholas Brown stated that he has been a Regent for a number of years and that in the course of his experience on this Board he has come to realize that James Bradley has been one of the great administrators he has had the privilege of knowing.  Dr. Brown asked to have it spread upon the record that the Board of Regents appreciates the extraordinary services that James Bradley has rendered to the Smithsonian.

The members of the Board concurred unanimously.

Appointment of a New Director of the National Museum of Natural History

Dr. Richard S. Cowan notified the Secretary that he would like to return to his research activities after ten years as Assistant Director and Director of the National Museum of Natural History. He has kindly agreed to stay on through the preparation and presentation of the fiscal year 1974 budget, but wanted to be relieved of his administrative duties by June 30, 1973.  Dr. Cowan will remain at the National Museum of Natural History as a Senior Scientist.