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A search committee for a successor has been formed under Assistant Secretary for Science David Challinor. 

Assistant Secretary for Public Service 
William Warner, Assistant Secretary for Public Service, will be on a working sabbatical for one year beginning in June. He will devote a major portion of his time to completing research connected with the Anglo-Spanish conflict of the Caribbean coast of Central America. Specifically, he will study the ethnic history of the Miskito Indians of Honduras and Nicaragua, and publish the journal of Captain William Jackson, a mid-seventeenth century privateer. He will also explore the acculturation of the Eskimos of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The remainder of his time will be used pursuing Smithsonian interests in video cassette programs and anthropological film research. Mr. Ripley stated that he is designating Julian Euell as Acting Assistant Secretary for Public Service. Mr. Euell is presently Mr. Warner's assistant dealing primarily with assisting the Anacostia Neighborhood Museum, Performing Arts, and the Elementary and Secondary Education Program. Mr. Euell joined the Smithsonian in 1968 after a varied career in arts and cultural development. He has acted as consultant with the National Foundation on the Arts and Humanities and the Whitney Museum of Modern Art. 

Smithsonian Associates Corporate and Individual Membership Activities 1971-1972
In the last year an enthusiastic National Board of twenty-six members in fourteen metropolitan areas has been formed to extend