Viewing page 10 of 44

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

•Melospiza  com
•Dendoica  aestiva   com
•Empidorax   heard
•Circus   1
•Molothrus   com
•Oxyechus   heard
Hylocichla   heard
•Galeoscoptes   com
•Verio swainsoni   com
•Hirundo   com

•Falco sparverius   1

[[right page]]
Symplorocarpos   abn.
Eleagnus   abn.
Psoralea argophylla   abn.
Artemisia frigida   abn.
Stachis [[Stachys]]  abn.
"Gaillardia"  abn.
Rudbeckia hirsuta   com.
Solidago   com.
Solidago   com.
Oenothera   small yellow   com.
Helianthus annus   com.
Rosa  abn.
Gaura   abn.
Anemone  [[?]]  white  com.
Glycyrrhiza lepidota   com.
Anemone patens   com
Oxetropus lambertina ? [[Oxytropus lambertii]]  com 
Monarda   house  com
Malvastrum coccinea   a few
Humilis cupros   com
Amelanchier   com
Prunus   [[?]]  com
Ribes divaricatum   com
Ribes    black currant   com
Fraxinus   com
Populus balsamifera   a few    
Negundo   com.
Salix   com.
Cretagus   com.
Cornus asperfolia  com.
Ulmus [[americanus?]]   a few

Transcription Notes:
Just one or two things to look at.