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No. 2:-

to the East of Guantanamo and already he has made many walks on foot from Guantanamo to Imias, Cajobabo, Jauco, Sabána, Maisi and Baracoa. His name is Mr. Leslie Saunders from Indianapolis. In Pueblo Viejo, in a cave near by he says he has seen some sort of a petroglyph representing, incised in the wall, the picture of a woman, nude he says, with the head of a child's head [[strikethrough]] pictured underneath her bosom. I thougt [[thought]] best to draw your attention to this in case to be visited by you on your next visit to the Baracoa region.

Aswell he said to me that he knew in Guantanamo an ex Bank clerk (of the National City Bank), now representing and Insurance Company in Guantanamo, who has spoken once with a man, living in a place called MACAMBO, between Imias and Baitiquiri, who is in possession of a stone image, and I think he is willing to part with it at a not stated price. As Mr. Suanders does not speak very well Spanish, his particulars could not be very clear. Yesterday I wrote a letter to friend of mine in Guantanamo, un tal Señor Flamand, formerly Manager of the Royal Bank of Canada at Palma Soriano, requesting him to try to find out the ex Bank Clerk and the vecino at Macambo, asking the latter for his price, and if that price is not too high I might be able to buy the cemi for your Museum. May be swell that I might be able to visit Guantanamo in the middle of December, in which case I could communicate directly with the people concerned. 

A few weeks ago Doctor Mestre asked me if I were willing to become a member of the "Poey Society", in payment of $ 12.00 yearly. As the fee was rather high I had to decline the very nice offer, upon which he has replied that notwithstanding he would send me free all the publications of that Society. Very nice indeed. I understand that he is busy at this moment to revise the translation. 

Another Doctor, Fernando Ortiz, Catedrático of the Havana University and Representative in the Congress, and an authority on the Negro question, having written several books dealing with the matter of negro slavery and the negro superstitions, has written me a very nice letter, telling me that he has send to "Cuba Contemporanea" (a bi-monthly publication), in the September/October edition, a commentary of your book, he says "un comentario laudatory al gran libra de Harrington, y en él lo cito á Vd. Como traductor". At the same time he has send me a folleto, dealing with the afro-negro question of Cuba. This is the same man who discovered some time ago on the Isla de Pinos, wall paintings, very likely from the Indians and in the same letter he says, referring to this discovery, "Nada ha publicado aun referente á las notables pinturas rupestres halladas por mi en una cue de Isla de Pinos; pero ester preparando algo y se lo enviaré en canto lo publique."