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Jersey City HTS
April 15, 1901

Mr. M. R. Harrington esq
Dear Sir- according to promise I enclose a rare photo of the stone which I suppose is an Indian morter. If, after inspection you conclude that it is worth procuring for the museum you may proceed as follows.
My nephew William R Buffett resides at Michelleville, about 3-miles East of Northport Village, an 2 miles East of the East Northport, station of the L.J. R.R. and I will  write and request him to assist you in showing you the stone and place from which it was taken, and if necessary direct you to the present owner of the premises.
This letter will serve as an introduction to him and I have no doubt he will be glad to favor me by assisting you.
[Left margin]
520 Berngen are Jersey City
Yours Truly W. J. Buffett