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June 22, 1934

Dr. Arthur C. Parker
Rochester Museum of Sciences and Arts
Edgerton Park
Rochester, New York

Dear Brother:

Your good letter came and was appreciated by us all; more power to you.

As for your article on How to excavate an Indian site, I read it carefully and have no criticism to offer.  The only possible alteration would be in the form of an addition explaining how to lay out a base line and make horizontal triangulation measurements from the two terminal stakes, each object receiving two measurements.  The same two stakes are used in mapping the site and every object may be located on the map from the measurements taken, reduced to scale.  This is a hasty and not very clear explanation but you are doubtless familiar with the method.  I use it mainly on mounds, ruins, and caves where irregularities or other factors make sections not practicable.

I think I wrote you that Johns has been appointed editor-in-chief of the high school weekly for the coming year and also editor-in-chief of the next years high school annual, a pretty big job considering the fact that he was also elected chief justice of the student court.  His journalism class brought out the last issue of the San Fernando Sun, which is our local paper and Johns wrote an editorial which has received favorable mention.

Johns and I are leaving for the field some time next week to be gone a month or two but I am sorry to say Endeka does not feel as if she could join us this time.  She will not be alone, however, for a very nice Paiute Indian girl whom we have known for some years will stay with her.

I certainly appreciate your suggestion with regard to a possible publisher for Teoquitla.  I shall send them a printed copy and the manuscripts of the related stories before I start for the field.

With love to you all, I remain,

Kakwa kwansim maika ori,