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The steamer Albatross, Lieut. Comdr. Z.L. Tanner, U.S.N., commanding, continued in service during a large part of the year, and accomplished very important results for the fisheries and for natural history, as well as in matters of special hydrographic interest. The permanent naturalists were Mr. James E. Benedict, and Mr. Thomas Lee, but Mr. Sanderson Smith also accompanied the steamer on all its trips during the summer and fall, and Mr. Willard Nye, Jr., Mr. C.H. Townsend, and Mr. F. Washburne participated in the spring cruise to the Bahama region.
The Albatross left Newport, R. I., June 17, 1885, on its first cruise to the fishing grounds off the coast of the Maritime Provinces. The mythical Hope Bank of the fishermen, said to be located in