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steamer started westward on July 2, making four dredgings during the first day out, between the southeastern coast of Newfoundland and the Grand Bank, in depths of 86 to 89 fathoms. Thence the cruise extended over Green and St. Peter's Banks, where the depths were all less than 36 fathoms, to the channel between St. Peter's and Banquerean, in depths of 114 to 265 fathoms, and the eastern edge of Banquerean, in depths of 33-39 fathoms.
     Misaine Bank, off Nova Scotia, was next visited, and a line of dredging and fishing stations was made across it from east to west. This shoal water had been previously regarded by American fishermen as comparatively barren, but the investigations of the Albatross showed it to be an important feeding ground for cod, large numbers of which were captured with hook and line. These explorations were continued from Misaine Bank to Middle Ground, on the northern