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amount of material destroyed, but it was very great, and many years must elapse before it can be, in any measure, replaced. In a manuscript catalogue of the Crustacea collected by the United States Exploring Expedition and turned over to the National Museum, Professor Dana enumerates 650 species and 812 packages, of which only 50 of the commoner species and 63 packages are now in the Museum. This fixes the loss to that collection by the Chicago fire at about 600 species, although it is possible that some of the specimens may have been destroyed previously in other ways. Dr. Stimpson estimated the total number of species of animals collected by the North Pacific Exploring Expedition at above 5000, and of Crustacea at about 980. Of the latter group only 43 species, being those for which he had no special need, are still preserved in the museum. The principal other groups destroyed were the Mollusks and Annelids, represented by more than 2700