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localities in California, between 1874 and 1882; from Mr. L.A. Belding, in the Gulf of California, in 1880; and from Mr. Alphonse Forrer, in California, Lower California and Mexico, in 1884. The explorations of Mr. John Xantus on the Pacific Coast, and of the Western Union Telegraph Company, in Alaska, have already been spoken of.

During 1882 and '83, Mr. Leonhard Stejneger, of the National Museum staff, spent twenty months at the Commander Island and on the neighboring coast of Kamtchatka, and returned with an exceedingly large representation of the marine and fresh water fauna of that region. In 1885, Mr. N. Grebnitska of Bering Island, presented to the Museum, through Mr. Stejneger, a very large collection of Crustacea from the same district. Many specimens from