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shell-sand which has not yet been assorted.

"At the end, a list is given of deep-water species, found in not less than 40 fathoms, many of which have not before been found so far south."

A list of the dredging stations made by the "Albatross" in the region of Cape Hatterae, with the data regarding them, is given on p. 454. Eighty-four species of mollusca are ennumerated from less than 50 fathoms, including 13 new species and one new variety, which are described and mostly figured. Descriptions of some of the old species are also given. The new species are as follows:

| --- | page |
| Mangilia psila, pl. XLV, fig. 2. | 455 |
| Mangilia eritima | 456 |
| Mangilia ceroplasta | 458 |
| Skenea trilix, pl. XLV, figs. 7, 7a. | 464 |