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[[4 columned table]]

|Oct. | 30 | Rev. Y. Wilmer, Beantown Charles C. Md. Wants a boy about 14 years of age. Also wants man & wife Refer to page 26. |---|

|Oct. | 10 | Rev. B. Newton Brown, (Foundry church,) wants six men to go to Bladensburgh Md., to take-up Strawberry plants. Will pay 75c per thousand. And will also pay the fare from Wash to Bladensburg, and return daily. | Oct. 11th Sent Thomas Clayton ago - 40 years.
Oct. 11th Sent Issac Woodline agd - 23 years.
Oct. 11th Sent Edward James agd - 53 years.
Oct. 11th Sent Edward Lane  agd - 22 years.| 

|Oct. | 11 | Mr. Theodore Blagne, at Mr. Williamson's 455, 2nd st. East. Desires to get one Woman to do Genl. House work, for Mr. Gilbert Pratt, and one for Mr. Richard E. Pratt, both women to go to Baybrook, Conn. |---|

|Oct. | 11 | Mr. J. Smith, E, St. bet. 7th & 8th streets, wants a girl about 12 or 13 years of age to take care  of child and do light work. | Oct. 11, 1867. Sent Anna Middletown agd 13 yrs|  

|Oct. | 11 | Mr. Jno. Fainter, (Metropolitan Police) Res. No. 100, 4 1/2 St. Island; wants a girl 12 to 13 years of age. |---|

[[4 columned table]]

|Oct. | 12 | Mr, G.V. Sansing, of Mechanicsville N. Y. (Saratoga Co.) wants a Woman for Genl. House work. | Oct. 15th Sent Sarah Jane Simpson, agd 20 yrs.|

|Oct. | 11 | Mr. [[blank space]] New-York City, wants a Woman for Genl. Housework. | Oct/ 12. Sent. Sarah Smith agd 20 yrs.|

|Oct. | 23 | Dr. Duhamel, Cor. 7th & I. Streets wants a good Cook. | Nov. 1st Sent Maria Tolliver, agd 25 yrs. One Month @ $8 per mo.|  

|Oct. | 24 | Mrs Hopkins, No. 490, 8th St. East (one of four, 3 story houses) Wants a boy 10 to 11 years of age. | Oct. 24, Sent. Geo. Marshall agd - 11 yrs.|

|Oct. | 24 | Mr. David A Burr, Cor [[F]] & 7th Sts. Wants a woman as Cook, also one Woman for Housework, to go to Laurel, Md. | Oct. 24. Sent Jane Boswell agd 21 yrs Housework Oct. 26. Sent, Catharine Barnes agd 21. Cook| 

|Oct | 25. | Mr. Theodore Mosher, Res., adjoining Fort Baker Eastern Branch, Wants Man & Wife - (Farmer & Cook) Also Man to take care of horses & drive carriage Also girl for Housework.
Wages for Farmer $10 to $12
Wages for House Girl $5 to $6
Wages for [[?]]man $14 to $16. 

Transcription Notes:
Edit: finished formatting pages. Writing still unclear in 2 places.