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These Articles of Agreement, made the 25th day of January Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty six between Bvt Brig General J. S. Fullerton Act'g Ass't Commissioner, Bureau R.F & A.L for District of Columbia and Eugenie Bertinatti resident of Georgetown D.C. Witnesseth:

First, That the said Bvt Brig Gen J. S. Fullerton for and on behalf of the United States of America, has placed and bound out, and by these presents does place and bind out, as an apprentice [[Lymus ? Symus ?]] Buss (Orphan) to learn the trade of house servant and to continue with the said Eugenie Bertinatti until the 15th day of February 1876 when he, the said apprentice, shall have attained the age of 21 years, and to continue subject, during that period to the conditions and covenants hereinafter mentioned.

Second. The said Symus Buss (Orphan) apprentice, shall well and faithfully serve the said Eugenie Bertinatti in all such lawful business as the said apprentice shall be put unto by the said Eugenie Bertinatti according to the best of his ability, and honestly and obediently, in all things, shall behave himself towards the said Eugenie Bertinatti and orderly towards the rest of the family of the said Eugenie Bertinatti.

Third. And the said Eugenie Bertinatti on his part, does hereby promise and agree to teach and instruct the said apprentice, or cause him to be taught and instructed, in the art and mystery of the trade of house servant by the best means [[strikethrough]] he [[strikethrough]] she can, and also to teach and instruct the said apprentice, or cause him to be taught and instructed, in reading and writing; and shall provide for the said apprentice good and sufficient meat, drink, clothing, and lodging, fit and convenient for such an apprentice, during the term aforesaid; and, at the expiration thereof, shall give the said apprentice two suits of strong clothing--one suitable for week-days, and the other for Sundays--and the sum of five dollars current money of the United States.

Fourth. That upon the failure of the said Eugenie Bertinatti to execute and fulfill the conditions set forth in the third section of this agreement, [[strikethrough]] he [[strikethrough]] she shall pay, or cause to be paid, to an authorized agent of the United States, a forfeiture of one hundred dollars in current money of the United States, and shall reimburse the United States for all expense it may be made to incur in consequence of the failure of the said Eugenie Bertinatti to execute and fulfill any of the conditions contained within this agreement, in addition to any penalties which may be prescribed, for violation of articles of indenture, by the laws of the State in which the parties are residing at the time. And further, that the expenses of attesting and delivering these presents shall be paid by the party to whom the said apprentice is hereby bound.

In Testimony Whereof, the said parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals, this 25th day of January 1866

Seal J. S. Fullerton.
Bvt Brig Genl. Act'g Asst Comr
B R F & A L. Dsit Columbia
Seal Eugenie Bertinatti

Signed and delivered in presence of-
S.N. Clark.
1st Lieut & A.A.A.G.