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A. FROIDEVAUX 419 West 17th. st. NEW YORK
New York May 9 1904

Mr. George H PEPPER American Museum N.Y.


I have 9 beutifull photograph 21::25 of the CLIFF CASTL and CLIFF Valley asst. So.Col. which I would like to sell I am in Perfume busines actualy and would like to sell the same at very low price, $10 for the full set the regular price is $10 apiece. Are you willing to take the same let me know it you will oblige me, I saw those picture some time ago you show me the book of this description of it.

I you should not like to buy them and if you should know some one who would be willing to buy it let me know I will remenber your kindness.

Very respectfully yours

A. Froidevaux 
[[stamp dated May 10, 1904]]

Transcription Notes:
Stamped date is hand mechanical with remainder of page completed on typewriter perhaps with carbon copy process.