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July 1st, 1904

Mr. Delancey Gill, Bureau of Ethnology, Washington D.C. 

My dear MR. Gill:- 

I have sent the notes and records of the prints and negatives that I selected while in Washington last week, to Prof. Holmes. These will no doubt be turned over to you in the course of the next few days, and I sincerely hope you can take up the work of making the positives immediately as I am anxious to see that part of the work finished before I start for the West, which may be in the course of the next few weeks. 

You will find an outline of what is to be done accompanying the list of prints and negatives, and I feel sure that you will have no trouble in identifying the material. 

Thanking you for the courtesy shown me while in Washington, and hoping to see you at any time that you might happen to be in New York City, I beg to remain, 

Very sincerely yours, 