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July 1st, 1904

Prof. W. H. Holmes, Bureau of Ethnology, Washington, D.C. 

My dear prof. Holmes:- 

I am sending you herewith a list of the prints and negatives that were selected by me while in Washington last week. This material, as you no doubt remember, was selected for Mr. Muschenheim of this city, to be used in making positives, from which he could have enlargements made for the Indian room of his new hotel. 

I discussed the work of reproduction with Mr. Gill, and I am sending with the list certain notes which will explain the numbers and sources from which the prints were taken. 

The understanding in relation to this matter was that a positive be made from each negative, the positive to be sold to Mr. Muschenheim for his enlargement work. 

Thanking you for Mr. Muschenheim for the courtesy which you have shown in this matter, and hoping that Mr. Gill can place the positives in my hands in the near future, I beg to remain, 

Very sincerely yours, 