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July 5th, 1904

Mr. F. W. Hodge, 
Smithsonian Institution, 
Washington, D. C.

My dear Hodge:-

I spoke to Saville about the codices that you mentioned in your letter of June 30th.  He looked up a recent catalogue of Julius Platzmann, Leipzig, who gave the following prices: 

Codex Cortesianus, $20.00
Codex Peresianus,  $20.00
Dresden Codex,     $20.00

the same as you had it priced, but he prices the manuscript Troano at $30.00 instead of $15.00.  I have not had a chance to see Brittin as yet but as soon as I do will let you know.

I received a copy of the "Weather Folk-Lore" from the Government but have not heard from the Catholic Publishing House concerning "Ruydo Ensayo".  I hope I may be able to pick up a translation of this interesting and valuable book.

With kindest regards to Mrs. Hodge, and hoping that I may have the pleasure of going over the Cushing library catalogue in the near future, I am as ever, 

Warmly and sincerely yours,

P.S.- Have just looked over the Weather Folk-Lore book received from the Government, and find that it does not contain the Zuni notes.