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This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

Directions concerning the notes which follow:

1- In referring to these notes do not take into consideration the numbers on the left of the red line. All of the mentions concerning the Washington negatives, or prints, are in the right column.

2- In looking up the references as given in these notes, let it be considered that they are merely descriptive; for instance, "Large Album" means one of the large albums containing prints in the Prof. Holmes' office. The other sources from which the prints were taken, were the small albums with titles, such as "Omaha and Winnebago" album, etc. The other sources were separate prints which were placed in the hands of Mr. Gill before leaving, and original numbers from some of the negatives themselves.

3- Make one positive from each negative.

4- Do not make a new negative from the positive, as this work is to be done by the photographer is to make the enlargements. 

5- Send positives as soon as finished to the Benham Indian Trading Co., 138 West 42nd St., New York City.