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July 11th, 1904

Pres. R. P. Ripley,
Great Northern Bld'g.,
Chicago, Ill.

Dear Sir:-
In returning the enclosed pass which you so kindly presented to Mrs. Pepper and self, I want to thank you for all of the many branches of scientific work that this transportation made possible.

During the past summer we visited all of the Pueblos in Mexico and Arizona, witnessing many dances and ceremonies, and obtaining valuable ethnological material and data, to say nothing of numerous photographs. In speaking of photographs, I wish to place at your disposal in the name of the Hyde Expedition and the American Museum, any of the prints taken on this trip, that you may care to use.

Mrs. Pepper and I are about to start on another extended trip through New Mexico and Arizona, and I trust that your interest in science and the general furtherance of Southwestern investigations may prompt you to grant us the help of your great system and thereby enable us to duplicate our work of last summer.

I hope this year to complete my studies concerning Southwestern textiles, and am at the present time in communication with the Messrs. Harvey of Albuquerque concerning the work of investigation and publication that I have in view.

Should you decide to honor me with a renewal of the enclosed