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July 12th, 1904

Pres. E. T. Jeffrey, 
Equitable Bld'g., 
Denver, Colo.

Dear Sir:-

In returning the annual pass of the Denver & Rio Grande system which you so kindly allowed me to have for last season's work, I want to thank you for the great help that it gave me.

I did not reach the Colorado region as I expected to, but I must express my gratitude for transportation between Santa Fe and Espanola, which helped me greatly in my scientific work as I had to visit the last named place several times during the course of the summer.

Mrs. Pepper and I are about to start West on another collecting trip, and I sincerely hope that your interest in science will prompt you to further assist us in our ethnological and archaeological researches, and that we may be favored with similar transportation to help us in our present summer's work.

Thanking you for the many courtesies of the past, and in advance for whatever consideration you may give this letter, I beg to remain, 

Very respectfully yours, 
