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July 18, 1904

Prof. F. W. Putnam,
Affiliated Colleges,
San Francisco, Cal.

My dear Prof. Putnam:-

I received your very kind letter which you sent just before leaving for the West, and I was indeed glad to learn that you had been able to give Mr. Heye a little time. I have seen him since his return, and he appreciated your kindness and I feel sure that your words gave him great encouragement in the work that he is beginning. 

I received a copy of Mrs. Nuttall's Codex which you kindly sent me from Cambridge, and I want to thank you most earnestly for enabling me to add this valuable document to my reference library. I have spent several hours going over the original Spanish and shall look forward to the second part of the volume, which contains the text as translated by Mrs. Nuttall.

There is a great possibility of my making a short trip to the State of Michoacan during the latter part of the season. If so, I shall stop in the City of Mexico and hope to have the pleasure of seeing Mrs. Nuttall at that time. 

Certain plans for the future have caused me to round up the work that I have underway, and I am preparing to start for the field at the earliest possible moment. I expect to leave not later than the first week in August as I want to return as early in the fall