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July 18,


Prof. F. W. Putnam,

as possible.

There have been a great many delays concerning the pottery work but it is in such a condition as present that it will take but a short time to complete it when I return.  The information required in preparing the card catalogue has necessitated a cross reference index of Bandelier's publications, not an exhaustive one to be sure, but one that includes places, events and notes relating to the work in hand.  This has been prepared in a card catalogue form, which will be invaluable for general reference work in the future.

I shall write you again in the course of the next week and can tell you more [[strikethrough]] fully [[/strikethough]] concerning the summer trip than I can at present.

Thanking you again for so kindly enabling me to have the new Codex, and with kindest regards to Mrs. Putnam, I am as ever,

Warmly and sincerely yours,
