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things sufficiently to keep them in scientific channels - and those pieces having a strong [[?]]ing I shall see that they reach a safe haven - I have a fine collection of mound and cliff stuff - some 600 pieces of cliff pottery as well as other things - [[??]] in work quantity - but well selected in all [[?]]-

As to the piece - the animal knawing [[gnawing]] a stick - see Vol 4 Bureau of Ethnology Fig 473 - the [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] coincident [[?]] is very strong to the Alaskan as well as mound forms - and about the only one I know of in cliff.

Come and see me I wont talk you to death with theories - will let you do the talking. I am too much of an amateur to risk saying much

The piece or rather bowl - the 4th from the right - 2nd row from bottom - has a foot print in red - over the snake which is in relief

With many best wishes hoping to hear from you again soon I am

Yours truly

M C Long