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#29. - and constant diplomacy that only a collector can realize and that is only one of secrecy - I thank you for your well wishes - reiterated today. As for value I have never put a value on it - as I said I have secure seven hundred (or more) pieces of pottery - not a broken lot good whole pieces of course. not every one more at the same time interesting and all would be in place in any museum - many of the heads of institutions have seen every collection or views of it and I know I have many things of interest - I have sifted it and sifted it - have bought fifty pieces to get one - I have been cruel enough to wait for a man to die to get into a lot of stuff (and did it) Now Doctor you have a very fair idea as to values - see many collections - and visit many collections and can make a good rough estimate as to value - what do you think my cliff stuff worth - everything in cliff