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Gallup, New Mexico, September 6, 1904.

Mr. John H Cobbs,

My dear Mr. Cobbs: - 
Yours of the 25th. ultimo reached me while in Albuquerque and I was pleased to find that you were, even now, making plans for the work in Michoacan.

Regarding the weight of the material, that I will bring with me it is rather hard to say. I shall take one trunk as far as Mexico City. In this I hope to be able to pack all of my photographing outfit as well as the clothes that I shall need. I think that two mules would be able to carry all of the material that I shall have with me.

You speak of smoking and drinking. I thoroughly enjoy a smoke after meals but am not at all particular what it is so you need not put yourself out on that scorenor concerning the liquor either as I seldon drink. I am so constituted that I do not need any one think to make me happy. I smoke when I have tobacco but am not at all inconvenienced when I happen to be away form civilization and cannot get it. You are indeed very kind to think of such things but I beg you to let the matter rest until we are in Uruapan together when we can pick up a few little things in the way of luxuries.

I want to write you a little later concerning the materials that I shall need from the city of Mexico, this I can when I return from a short trip into the Indian country. Until then [[?]] [[?]] [[?]] [[?]] [[?]] [[?]]