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Callup. I thought that I mentioned it in my last letter but I found that I had had the joint letter idea so firmly fixed in my mind that I had for-gotten it. Mr. M. asked me to send on little collections from time to time to keep up the interest. This I shall endeavor to do as it keeps us in closer touch.
Have you been able to do anything in regard to the Mexican passes? A letter from Smith states that Saville has gone to St Louis to act as [[yuron??]] on awards. If you cannot find someone else who can get them for us you might write Saville. A letter addressed to the Museum could reach him. If [[on oin??]] save the railroad fare from El Paso to the City of Mexico it will be quite an item. I have a number of letters from Mr Cobbs of Apatzin-gan, Mexico and a short time ago an aunt of his from Alabama called at the Museum to see me. Smith wrote that she called and sent a note from her. Mr. Cobbs seems delighted to think that I am coming. He no doubt looks forward to having an American with his for a time, as it must get quite lonesome there. 
We will be here at least a week longer and then go to Albuquer-que on the way to the upper Rio Grande.
Let us hear from you whenever you can as we are always glad to receive word from the East. With kindest regard to all from both, I am as ever,
Warmly and sincerely yours,