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Callup, New Mexico, September 6, 1904. 

My dear Mr.Long:- 
Your welcome letter of the 1st. inst. reached us at Albuquerque. We were glad to hear from you  but we were sorry that we were not able to be with you longer while in Kansas City. Had we known what troubles we were to run into when we reached the Union Station we would have spent more time talking, shop--that is concerning Indian productions. 
When we reached the Station we found our train made up and waiting in front of the door. We were quarter of an hour late in starting and then we stopped on a siding about five miles out of town. They told us, to our great disgust, that there had been a wreck on the road between Chicago and Kansas City and that we would have to wait for Number 7 on the Santa Fe Road. They took us back to the station in time to get dinner and stated that they would leave at 7.30. Well, to make a long story short, we did not get under way until half past ten. 
Had I been able to spend more time with you I might have been in a position to praise your collection, but even then it would be rather hard as such things must be handled according to circumstances. You are the only one who can tell what would be the lowest figure that you could afford to take. The lack of scientific data makes a great difference and it is rather hard to say what a collection would be worth to another Museum without faint over the material in hand, that is in their possession. 
I hope you cin put a price on the material for then I might be able to do something with it. With sincere thanks for your courtesy I am