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from one to ten dollars per when offered for sale in regular curio stores we find that your Uncle Dud. was not rolled for so much after all. I am anxious to see this pottery when it is cleaned up. I know that it will look great.

But let us wander back to Albuquerque. (If you cant read all of this at one sitting just put part of it over until next bread and mill time comes). As soon as we reached Albuquerque we went to our room and I spent almost all of Saturday night preparing my head for Sunday. When morning came I realized that I had not been overdosed with sleep but I got up and prepared for the day. We went to church in the morning. The sermon was for children, which was just our line. One old codger just in front of us did not seem to be on as he spent the entire morning spitting at a knot hole in the floor. He seemed to enjoy tobacco and target work more than the sermon. We enjoyed the service very much as it was so novel in its main features.

In the evening we were about to retire when a card came up to the room. You could have knocked me down with a feather. The card read Frank M. Covert. Down stairs we dashed and were soon swapping notes. We had two friends with him and when he learned that we were bound for Hubbells he said that Andrus had brought him to the railroad from there that afternoon. He insisted on sending a wire to Andrus to hold him in Gallup until our arrival. We saw [[crossed-out]] hi [[/crossed-out]] Covert but a few minutes as he had some things to attend to and had to leave for Mexico at eleven.

Monday morning we received a wire from the hotel at Gallup to the