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#38. Gallup, New Mexico, September, 8, 1904. My dear Mr. Hyde:- I wrote a long letter to Mr. Heye yesterday telling him that it would have to serve double duty as it would probably be some days before I could get one off to you. Our man has not arrived so we cannot go to Hubbells until to-morrow morning, hence this opportunity to send you a line. While in Albuquerque I had a chance to look into the blanket question and I think, from what Mr. Sweitzer said, that the Harvey people can handle a commercial form of the blanket book which would pave the way for a more elaborate work and at the same time advertise it. I have missed Mr. Huckel all along the route. Have wired and written him several times but have not been able to meet him as yet. He expects to reach the West in the course of the next two weeks and I hope to see him at that time. The Harveys certainly have a great collection of blankets. I hope to photograph a number of them when we return from the Reservation. I find that no one has worked among the old Chimallos and it will therefore be a great field for observation. The chapter on this culture should prove to be a very interesting one to the student of Southwestern ceramics. When we reached Gallup I went directly to Mr. Cottons store. He is one of the oldest traders in the country as you probably know. I talked over the hospital proposition with him and he thought that it would prove a blessing to the Indians. He said that there was one at Fort Hefiance but he di not know how it was managed. He said that Hubbell whuld be just the man to furnish information that would be to the point. Hubbell understands