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the Navajos and is interested in their development. I am looking forward to a talk with him. I hope to get some statistics that can be placed before the eastern people. If necessary I think I will run over to Defiance to look into the work now in progress at that place. If I con [[can]] possibly [[strikethrough]] h [[/strikethrough]] get the infirmation [[information]] from Hubbell I shall do so as I do not want to spend a single day in travel that is not absolutely necessary. I want every hour to count as my time is short at best.

Since reaching the West I have received the bill from the Macmillan Company for Bandeliers two books. I am sending you herewith a personal check for my copy and will ask you to send it in with yours. I suppose I could have advanced the three dollars for your copy from the funds that I have on hand but that would have necessitated extra entries and would be sending money East that would have to be returned in the near future.

The blanket work that I have done thus far has given me a fund of interesting data for scientific work as well as the popular lectures during the coming winter. I want to start a series of parlor talks as soon as I return as a I feel that such a series will be the means of interesting the class of people that we need.

I had a long talk with Culin while in Albuquerque. He told me all about the trouble in the Brooklyn Institute. I will write it out for reference and so that you may have his side of the story to peruse in the fall.

Hoping to hear from you whenever you get the time to write and with kindest regards from Mrs. Pepper, I am as ever, George Pepper.[[?]]