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#39. //////// Gallup, New Mexico. Septembnr 8, 1904 Mr. J. F. Huckel, Alvarado Hotel, Albuquerque, N. M. My dear Mr. Huckel:- Your kind letter of the 2nd. inst. Was received in Albuquerque. I waited a couple of days and then had to start for the Reservation. While in Albuquerque I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Sweitzer. We spent the greater part of an afternoon going over the blanket situation and I think that he can explain what I propose to do. I expect to be away from town about tow weeks but I sincerely hope the we can arrange a meeting while you are in the West. Hoping to hear from you as soon as you arrive I beg to remain, Sincerely yours, Geo. H. Pepper.