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#40 Mr. G. H. P. -2- thing. Probably you did not miss much by not having seen Maretta in Chicago, for I doubt if he had very much, and if so, he probably wanted a good price for it. You need not be so proud of the fact that you have had such a cold or think that you are anything very much because you got it as the result of three weeks spent in a mummy room, for I have a fine young healthy cold myself, and I attribute it to two days spent on Broadway; therefore in the future please don't get up any swell colds or ones out of the ordinary. Seriously, I hope that the dry southwest has cured you up and that you will be in good shape soon. I would like very much to see Mr. Long's collection, for judging from your description it must be really a beautiful lot. I imagine that the Salt Lake collection must be disposed of or you