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#40 MR. G. H. P. -3- would have heard from them before now. I am anxiously awaiting for the proceeds of your robbery; I refer to the box of pottery that you bought for $8.00. I could read you a long sermon on what an unprincipled rascal you are, but I won't and all I will say is, keep the good work up. I am very anxious indeed to see it, and I do think that you have done a wonderful piece of financiering in getting the stuff for that price. Indeed yes, I think my "Uncle Dud" was not rolled for such an awful lot after all. I received your newspaper from Albuquerque, in which I read the illustrious speechings of Professor Pepper. It is a shame the gems of such wisdom should roll upon the arid plains of the southwest like mothballs out of a blanket, and be wasted on the desert air. Excuse my breaking thus into poetic simile, but