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#40 MR. G. H. P. -5- interest me. Last Friday Hyde ran over and had luncheon with me, and we spent the afternoon at the Museum, searching for the specimen of the "Heller", which eventually we found. It is in a beautiful state of preservation, and looks almost ready for use. B. T. B. seemed anxious to know if it was a good specimen, and I told him that all I knew about it was that you said it was most true to life, lacking only one or two small features, whose presence would really have detracted from, instead of adding to it. Hyde seemed very well satisfied with this explanation, and I told him that I thought you would be good enough on your return to show us how the implement was used, and would probably take it up in the Park, like you did the throwing stick and have some fun with it some afternoon on the lawn. See note on next page. I am sorry to say that I have See note on next page.